Home > Artworks > Carmen Chamorro Pardo

Photo of Carmen Chamorro Pardo Spain

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Chamorro Carmen Pardo was born in Madrid in 1955, is professor of primary school and he studied drawing and painting from the hand of Professor Eduardo Peña.Su work is a clear example of how by way of painting can express a world full of nuances, insights and colorful insospechados.Es unraveling the task that is revealed once again the artistic ability along a clean and neat and especially restless in the pursuit of...

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49.21 x 18.50 in
24.02 x 19.69 in
24.02 x 19.69 in
24.02 x 17.72 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
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Chamorro Carmen Pardo was born in Madrid in 1955, is professor of primary school and he studied drawing and painting from the hand of Professor Eduardo Peña.Su work is a clear example of how by way of painting can express a world full of nuances, insights and colorful insospechados.Es unraveling the task that is revealed once again the artistic ability along a clean and neat and especially restless in the pursuit of plastic expresibidad. Has been winning and finalist in several competitions in drawing and painting and his work have been dibulgado for Newspapers, Radio and Television. http://www.carmenchamorrop.cjb.net e-mail: mcchamorrop@gmail.com

His career is as follows: YEAR 1996: EXHIBITIONS: Centro Cultural "El Pozo", Madrid. (Interview on TV) Cultural Centre "García Lorca", Madrid. Cafeteria "PLAZA", Getafe (Madrid). EXHIBITIONS: AGRO-INDUSTRIAL FAIR XIV, San Martín de Valdeiglesias (Madrid). Cultural Center Somonte SUAREZ, Cinderella (Madrid). COMPETITIONS: VI National Contest of Painting "GROUP CL", Madrid. YEAR 1997: EXHIBITIONS: Centro Cultural "Health Source" Hortaleza (Madrid). Centro Cultural "El Madroño", Madrid. Municipal Board "VILLA DE VALLECAS" Vallecas (Madrid). EXHIBITIONS: AGRO-INDUSTRIAL FAIR XV, San Martín de Valdeiglesias (Madrid). Cultural Center Somonte SUAREZ, Cinderella (Madrid). CONTEST: I National Contest of Painting "GALEOTE MANUELA", Madrid. selected with the plays "A Lifetime" and "cellar." Academy of Fine Arts Competition "PEÑA" January, February and March, being a finalist in the play "Drought" and selected a finalist in the annual competition with the work "The spinning wheel." I National Painting Contest "COLA-CAO", Barcelona. XXII National Painting Contest "CAJA MADRID", Madrid. Academy of Fine Arts Competition "Shame." Selected award for the best still life with the play "The patina of time. YEAR 1998: EXHIBITIONS: Centro Cultural Juan de la Cierva. Getafe, Madrid. Cultural Center Orcasur. " Orcasitas, Madrid. Cultural Center Somonte SUAREZ, Cinderella, Madrid. Cafeteria VIOLIN. " Getafe, Madrid. COMPETITIONS: 2 º Painting Contest "Manuela Galeote" Art Contest Madrid Alcorcón, Madrid. YEAR 1999: EXHIBITIONS: Cultural Center of Glass Gallows. Cultural Center of The Trough. " Madrid. 2000: SOLO: Centro Cultural Village Almorox. " Almorox, Toledo. Cultutal Center Sotillo de la Adrada. Sotillo, Ávila. CONTEST: 1st National Painting Contest Sotillo de la Adrada. Ávila. 2001: SOLO: Cafeteria "El Laurel". Madrid. Cultural Center of the Vidrios.Madrid Gallows (radio and newspaper interview) YEAR 2002: EXHIBITIONS: 2 ª Expo Cafeteria "El Laurel". Madrid. 2003: SOLO: Centro Cultural "Glass Gallows COMPETITIONS: 1st Poster Contest Celebrations of Glass Gallows. 2005: SOLO: Space for Cultural Caja Madrid. Morata de Tajuna, Madrid.Año2008: INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS: Centro Cultural Vidrios.Café Scaffold of San Martin theater collective Valdeiglesias.Exposicion new theater Cafe San Martin de Valdeiglesias. 2009 - EXHIBITIONS INDIVIDUAL: Caja Rural de Toledo.Año 2010 - EXHIBITIONS: Cultural Center Cinderella.

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